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by paolo macariola a.k.a. happy writer

Sunday, October 11, 2009

"Poet writes beautiful filth"

"Poet writes beautiful filth"
by paolo macariola

I ruminate endlessly
on the grotesque
of my self inflicted
methods to madness

trying to decipher Venus
is to dismantle
its equations
into bite sized smidgets
a piece of sanity at a time

but i dare not swallow
this beautiful filth
as one could never
challenge to regurgitate
a rock

on the other hand...
possibly in another dimension
i may have been
just like you
rapidly spewing
trite distractions

but in the meantime
i shall go on
ruminating venus
and dismantling madness
on a piece of paper
stenciled endlessly
with grotesque metaphors

i dare you to swallow
my beautiful filth

somewhere at the tip
of your tongue
will scatter the taste
of my madly concocted delusions
laced with bitter nectar.
-- and if somehow
you manage to swallow it
you would feel
a disruptive cramp
as though you've ingested
a rock
that your mere cliche'd existence
could never regurgitate

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